
Rain, rain and more rain.

There isn't much to tell lately. I blame the rain. There has been so much rain that we haven't done any of the usual summer things like going to the beach. When we do get a sunny patch we have been sneaking to the park before the rain comes back. I'm really hoping that the rain goes away soon and we can get back to the kind of summer we are all needing. And before we all grow mushrooms in this damp humidity !

EV and I went to the library on Monday morning, wearing our rain coats of course. I couldn't resist sneaking a photo of EV on the bus in her coat and gumboots (mac and wellies), I loved those little knees in between the coat and the boots. She was really good, she loves the library so much. But we didn't like the wee boy who had the biggest tantrum we have ever seen because he didn't want to share the building blocks. Thank god his mum took him outside and the rest of the kiddies played with the blocks, sharing them of course. It was like they were all very self conscious of being good because the other boy was so horrid.

We are off to see a movie today and guess what!  The sun is out, despite the weather forecast of showers, just my luck. I would change the plans but I think EV would be upset because we are meeting MM and its their first trip to the cinema. Actually since I started writing this the clouds have come in, and they are grey and showery looking. Maybe we won't miss the sun today after all.

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