
Asserting your will.

EV has become a little madam lately - I believe they call it the terrible two's. Mostly its about asserting her will to do what suits her. This is getting a little tiresome, particularly the high pitched scream squeal that she has developed. And mostly when I am getting her dressed in the morning and she does anything to escape.

It took 10 mins to get a t-shirt on her this morning. I like this jaunty pose with the thumbs through the loops, speaks volumes about her attitude.

Dare you to put that t-shirt on me.

I have found a little set of steps. I am very pleased as I am vertically challenged and they will be very useful. I also thought it will enable EV to reach the sink to wash her hands and brush her teeth (and save me from lugging a chair in from the kitchen). 
It didn't take EV long to find them useful too. Looking at this photo reminds me that I definitely need to do a bit of de-cluttering! Maybe EV can help.

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