
What day is it again?

I realise its been quite awhile since I updated the blog. I can't believe that April is halfway done and I don't even know where March went! I have so many intentions and photos but I never seem to get near the computer these days. Not that I'm complaining because its time well spent. 
As you can see the girls are growing fast. IB is 4 months old and is changing rapidly. Seems like its happening in the blink of an eye. EV has taken to dressing to match me or IB lately, like the navy stockings in this photo. It was taken before EV's 'before school' hearing and vision test. Yes I did write "before school"! Seems like all of a sudden primary school is looming on the horizon. Of course EV is super excited about going to school and talks about it almost daily. Only another 6 months to go....

and I will start bringing Eat Your Heart Out Baby up to date, as long as I can remember how to work this thing.

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