
Blood Pipes.

At school EV and her friends are still investigating 'baby brains'. Recently I dropped in with the video of my baby scan for them to look at and they discussed what they could see. Since then they have developed more ideas about the brain having buttons to start and stop the brain and that there are 'blood pipes' around the brain. Together they have worked on a collaborative drawing of their brain theory and have been creating a clay description of this 'baby brain'. This clay construction is a huge collection of blobs with spirals and pipes, its all very exciting for this art teacher to see these young minds expressing their ideas in drawing and clay.

Yesterday EV did her own thing (not unusual with EV) and instead of collaborating on the 'baby brain' she made a clay mummy with baby and a 'blood pipe' connecting them. EV's teacher showed it to me and talked about how EV described what she was doing. Of course I just had to take a photo of it.

I've made a few sculptures in my time although I've never really desired to have a sculpture made of myself, but this first one is quite something!

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