I took EV out to fly her kite this afternoon, it was a gusty windy sort of day but I figured we might just handle it. And it was a bit overcast so it wouldn't be so bad watching it fly against the clouds...
It started out OK, with EV holding on with 2 hands and giving it a tug when it started diving.
I even took this photo of the frisky wee kite up so high, when EV said "watch what happens when I let it go". And she let it go.
Boy did it go! Right across the reserve dragging it's string and it nearly got caught in the small trees beside the carpark, but then it flew out of sight. Oh Dear!
I tried to get EV to hurry up and help me go after it in case we could find it, when actually I had visions of it hanging off power lines. Eventually EV decided to hustle, particularly when I started off up the path with her bike in tow. And as we got to the carpark I suddenly saw the kite string lying across the carpark strung across a pohutukawa tree. I think we were the afternoon entertainment for all the taxi drivers who park there for their smoko.
The kite string had snagged in just enough time that the kite got this close to Mt Eden Road.
The arrow points to where the handle of the kite string was dangling on the other side of the tree.The whole length of string had unravelled.
I managed to get to the handle hanging on the other side of the tree and untie the string from it so I could pull the string free. We got the kite back, but I have a lovely mess of kite string to untangle.
As I was sitting at the park attempting to untangle it EV came over and said she was sorry for letting the kite go. I'm not sure what the finger pointing is all about, possibly to emphasize that she won't let the kite go again.
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