IB is growing fast and its hard to keep up with her, there seems to be a new development everyday. My not so favourite new development is the squealing very loudly one. This is done to tell us that she would like to go to sleep, or get up, or change position, etc. Talk about letting everyone know what you want! IB has also moved into her own bedroom. She was unfazed by the move and is happy to sleep in her cot, and apart from waking her sister up very early one morning it has been a smooth transition. Another new hobby for IB is holding onto Dada's beard - ouch!
EV is enjoying her swimming and dancing lessons and still loves going to preschool. It's just under four months before she will be starting primary school which is very exciting. It's fun to see the two girls playing together now that IB is getting big enough. IB is in love with EV and lights up when she sees her. I can tell these wee girls will be dynamite together, double trouble.
I also love seeing the bond between them that is already there and to see their different personalities.
I've got so many photos to share, I need to upload them soon before I take even more! I'll be back (in less than a month with any luck).